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Fulvic and Humic Acid

Activate the Ultimate Mineral Complex for Optimal Health

Want more from your nutrients? Simply doubling or tripling up on your supplements probably won’t have the effect you’re looking for. But adding fulvic minerals to your routine will.

That’s because better results don’t always come from taking in more and more and more, since the body is only capable of absorbing so much of the nutrition passing through it without a little extra boost. 

But giving your nutrition a boost is what fulvic minerals are all about.

What Are Fulvic Minerals?

Let’s dish some dirt here: Fulvic minerals, which are also called “fulvic acid,” are organic compounds that help break down other minerals. These compounds are found in humus, the highly nutritious layer of the earth where plants grow strong and healthy (not to be confused with “hummus,” which is the delicious chickpea spread that can help us grow healthy too).

Fulvic acid is formed by millions of beneficial microbes that combine with a variety of minerals to create a complex molecular compound, aka “fulvic minerals,” which activate nutrients in the soil and allow plant cells to use them.

Keep that last part in mind because you’re about to see how a very similar process happens in your own body too.

Why You May Need A Fulvic Mineral Supplement

Fulvic minerals have largely the same effect on you that they have on plants: they help your body’s cells absorb nutrients and minerals by breaking the nutrients into smaller sizes that are easily dispersed throughout the body so your cells can use them. 

But why does the body need help with a process that it was built to handle just fine on its own? That question requires a two-part answer.

The first is simple: sometimes the human body doesn’t efficiently absorb the nutrients it takes in. This can be caused by any number of factors includingstress, sleep deficits, genetics, illness, infection, diet, age, gut biome, and more. 

And second, because demands on modern agriculture have impacted the available mineral content in the soil that all food and nutrients spring from. This creates a mineral availability deficit that resonates throughout the food chain – everything from plants, which take in soil nutrients, to livestock that feeds on the plants, to humans, who eat the plants and the livestock, is impacted.

In other words, we all get less of the nutrition we need.

Fulvic minerals, however, when taken as a fulvic mineral supplement to the diet, pick up the slack when either modern diets or the body’s ability to absorb nutrients falls short. 

It works like this: First, fulvic mineral supplements help break nutrients into smaller, more usable sizes that are transported to where they’re needed in the body. Then they also increase the body’s cell membrane’s permeability. This combination enables nutrients to be absorbed faster and retained longer. And it works regardless of whether the minerals or vitamins come from a big, delicious meal (or even a small snack, if you prefer) or from vitamin and mineral supplements you take daily. 

It’s the same basic process that fulvic minerals fulfill in the humus. But this version happens inside you so that your body is the beneficiary of all of the good things you’re feeding it. 

Benefits Of Fulvic Minerals In Activate

While Ameo Life creates and sells supplements, we don’t believe people should just jump on every buy-more/take-more bandwagon. Actually, we feel everyone thrives inCamp Use-It-More-Efficiently instead. 

This is why we developed Activate, our fulvic minerals formulation. Activate targets improved nutrient bioavailability for long-term, full-body health. Our formulation is 10x smaller than the average fulvic acid size in the market, which enables higher efficiency in nutrient absorption. And it’s sourced from multiple geographic regions across North America, so its properties have greater diversity, which improves the delivery of essential nutrients, amino acids and trace minerals throughout the body.

Plus, you may see and feel the results in some of the following ways: 

  • Inflammation reduction
  • Improved nail growth
  • Stimulated collagen production
  • Enhanced protein production in muscle and bone cells
  • Better skin texture
  • Reduced oxidative stress
  • Elimination of toxins and pollutants
  • Reduced formation of cell-damaging AGE’s

Activate is also incredibly easy to take: just two tablespoons of an easy to drink, easy-to-digest liquid each day. Plus, Activate can be taken alone or mixed into a drink, like chocolate milk, a protein shake, or a smoothie, or a glass of water, and it’s easy on the gut and the whole body, too.

Fulvic vs. Shilajit and Humic

How do fulvic minerals compare to shilajit and to humic, two other compounds derived from decomposed organic matter that may also be capable of boosting nutrient availability?

Fulvic minerals have a greater quantity of active compounds than either humic or shilajit, and fulvic minerals dissolve in water more readily than both of the others, too. Additionally, fulvic mineral molecules are smaller than either humic and shilajit molecules. Combined, these factors contribute to the ease of taking and processing a fulvic mineral supplement like Activate.

Ameo Life Activate Fulvic Mineral Complex*


Other Brands Fulvic Mineral Complexes

# Trace Minerals




Fulvic Content




Clinical Studies


Some, plus anecdotal reports 


Chemical- Free 

Extraction Process 




Plant Material Sources

Harvested from multiple locations - Biodiverse

Single source 

Single source




Source Unknown


Yes - 100% 



Side Effects 

None known

Increased uric acid, hemochromatosis, affects hormone levels


*based on Ioniplex

And while scientists are continually learning more about each of these compounds, fulvic minerals have already been found to have anti-inflammatory and neuro-protective properties, and are also linked to improved digestive processes, brain protection, fighting certain infections, and possibly even slowing down aging. (sources:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6151376/ ;https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21785188/

Why Activate Is The Best Choice

At Ameo Life, we’re unapologetically obsessed with science, so we actively seek out testing and retesting of our supplements, including Activate, to ensure it’s the best fulvic mineral formula available.

In one recent study from the University of Arizona, it was shown that Ioniplex(r) Fulvic Mineral Complex, which you’ll find in Activate, may help stimulate collagen production, enhance protein production by up to 20% in muscle and bone cells, and improve skin texture and nail growth. This study also showed that Ioniplex may help reduce oxidative stress by reducing the formation of cell-damaging A.G.E.s by up to 50%.

Other clinical studies have indicated that fulvic acid harvested from multiple sites offers improved cellular infusion over competing brands with limited sourcing locations. Ameo Life Fulvic Mineral Complex with Ioniplex(r) can increase mitochondrial metabolism (the energy producers within cells) by up to 50%. That’s a boost you can feel.

Fulvic Minerals: A Wellness Boost Every Body Can Use

We all want to get the most good from the efforts we undertake to improve and maintain our health, whether we’re pushing ourselves to reach a goal, like running a 5k or a 100-miler, sitting down to enjoy a fresh-from-the-garden meal, or taking supplements to ensure we’re meeting all of our nutritional needs. And that’s why Activate is here. Because you deserve to get the most out of everything you do. And that applies to your health, too.
