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pH Balanced Silver Solution and Natural Gels

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Fulvic and Humic Acid

AmeoLife: Cutting Edge Products with Trending Ingredients

“I am obsessed with this. I’ve been using it as directed and it has literally changed the way I feel on a daily basis.”

Allison Cooper
Ameo Life customer

You learn pretty early in business classes that human nature makes us all more likely to share a negative review than a positive one. So when a customer like Allison takes the time to write a review detailing all thegoodshe’s feeling from Ameo Life’s cutting-edge products, we know we’re onto something great. And even more so when we realize how many other Ameo Life customers have done exactly what Allison did, too.

Feedback like Allison’s confirms we’re making the right choices in the development of Ameo Life supplements and other products. Like the choice we make to source the highest quality ingredients available. To test and retest. To back every formulation with science. To avoid cutting corners. And to never add ingredients that have no business in “health.”

At Ameo Life, we keep our eyes trained on the intersection of health and innovation. And this helps us continue to produce products that lead the way.

Cutting-Edge Products Powered By Trending Ingredients

I’ll say it here: At Ameo Life, we don’t believe artificial ingredients belong in any ingested supplement that you’re taking for your health. But we also don’t believe that “meh” ingredients are going to do much to improve your overall wellness either. This is why we insist upon sourcing the highest quality ingredients for our formulations. We prefer our supplements to be trending because they’re just THAT good.

Bacillus SubtilisMB40 (Digest)

Quite honestly,Bacillus Subtilis MB40 is the best probiotic we’ve ever seen. Also known as MB40, this probiotic is shelf-stable and proven to survive with 70% effectiveness up to 12 hours in the digestive tract. MB40 is unique in that it thrives in low-pH environments, which makes it well-suited for survival in the human digestive system. And long survival means that unlike other probiotics on the market, MB40 can actually reach its ultimate destination — the large intestine — and get the job done.

Science’s take on MB40: Research by Bio-Cat Microbials determined OPTI-BIOME® Bacillus subtilis MB40 in doses ranging up to 10 billion CFU/day may reduce the frequency and duration of bloating and gas. Additionally, LactoWise® Bacillus Coagulans MTCC 5856 probiotic, which is part of Ameo Life Digest, was found effective at supporting overall health and wellness and had the ability to survive and maintain efficacy in the digestive tract longer than other forms of probiotics. 

Ioniplex Fulvic Mineral Complex (Activate)

Fulvic minerals are organic compounds that increase the bioavailability of all nutrients you take in by helping your body’s cells absorb nutrients and minerals more effectively.Ameo LifeIoniplex(r) Fulvic Mineral Complex has a smaller molecular size than other fulvic mineral formulations on the market and is sourced from multiple locations. These two factors combined with the high quality of all ingredients in Ameo Life Activate make the formulation easy to take, and ensures nutrients, whether from supplements or food, are more usable by you.

Science’s take on Ioniplex Fulvic Mineral Complex: A recent study from the University of Arizona found that Ioniplex(r) Fulvic Mineral Complex may help stimulate collagen production, enhance protein production in muscle and bone cells, and improve skin texture and nail growth. This study also indicated that Ioniplex may help reduce oxidative stress and the formation of cell-damaging A.G.E.s by up to 50%. Other clinical studies determined that fulvic minerals complexes harvested from multiple sites offer improved cellular infusion over competing brands with limited sourcing locations.

Structured Silver

Alkaline Structured Silver is the first silver supplement that’s pH-balanced to an alkalinity level of 7.4 or higher because the body has been found to function better in an alkaline state. Silver is suspended in structured water, which creates an aerobic-positive environment to promote healthy bacteria. Ameo Life pH-balancedStructured Silver does not metabolize or build up in the body.

Science’s take on Structured Silver: Studies have shown that bad bacteria and yeast cannot flourish when the body is alkaline. Additionally, the structured water in this high quality formulation may help promote metabolism improvements and DNA strengthening, and provide more energy and the ability to better hydrate the body’s cells.

Why Ameo Life Is Leading The Charge In Supplement Trends

When you’re really young, you think you’ve seen it all. But as the years start to add you, you realize that the potential for improvement and advancement is almost limitless. Each “revolution” in technology or health eventually becomes the “expected.” Change and advancement are essential.

In the supplement world, that means people, lifestyles, and their needs will continue to evolve. This is why Ameo Life is always looking to the future. Because supplement manufacturers need to both address the unique challenges of todayand effectively manage the hurdles we’ll all need to overcome tomorrow.

Ameo Life leads the way in the supplement industry by creating products that specifically address the challenges of our ever-changing diets, of increased stress, and of lifestyles where everyone is on-call 24/7. We don’t turn our backs on tried-and-tested formulations, but we also look forward to the promise of trending ingredients and the advancements they bring with them. Our goal is always to answer the unique needs of the most health-conscious and diverse consumer market ever. Where individuals turn to supplementation to heal, to build, and to grow, we ensure our formulas are giving their bodies exactly what they need. 

Trending Ingredients You Can Trust

Let’s get back to what Allison, the customer who wrote the review, had to say: “literally changed the way I feel …”

At the end of the day, that should be how each of us chooses our supplements: because of how those supplements make us feel, day in, day out. We work hard at Ameo Life to ensure our products are the most effective on the market. Because we know that in the crowded supplement landscape, when a consumer lands on something that makes them feel good, that’s easy to take, and that provides wellness they can see and feel, there’s no reason to shop around. 

Ameo Life products do all of this and more. But please, don’t take our word for it. Read the reviews. And know that while our productsare amazing now, we’re forever testing and working to make everything work even better.

So Great, You’ll Want To Tell Your Friends What You Found

BTW, if you’ve tried Ameo Life products, we invite you to leave an honest review. And we hope you’ll tell your friends about your experience, too.

Ameo Life: Supplements You’ll Talk About … For All the Right Reasons

We could talk about Ameo Life’s entire line of highly effective supplements all day. And people who use Ameo Life supplements and products talk about them too  — for all the right reasons! So if you haven’t tried Ameo Life yet, we just have one question to ask: what’s stopping you?
