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Why MB40 Probiotic is the Best All-Around Probiotic

If you’re just getting into digestive health, here’s a term you need to know: MB40. It’s shorthand for the probiotic strainBacillus subtilis MB40, which is the best all-around probiotic we’ve ever seen. And trust us, when it comes to good gut bacteria, which is what probiotics help foster in our bodies, we know our stuff. And all of the other things that come from having a healthy gut biome, too.

Why Probiotics Matter to Your Gut Biome

We’ll state the obvious here: digestive discomfort is never pleasant. And whether it’s isolated, acute, wide-spread, slow-building, or somewhere in-between, problems with the gut’s biome can hobble even the strongest of us.

This is where probiotics come in. Probiotics feed the good bacteria in our gut biome, which is directly related to digestion and indirectly related to other body functions as well.There’s also growing evidence that good digestive flora positively influences mood, skin health, energy, sleep, weight control, a variety of daily functions within our body, and so much more.

Probiotics themselves were discovered in the early 1900s, but their popularity really started to soar in the U.S. in the 1990s. This, incidentally, is about the same time the modern American lifestyle took a sharp turn toward “hectic.” Multi-tasking, fast-paced demands led us to become a grab-and-go society, which resulted in an onslaught of problems, including increased stress, poor sleep, and diets lacking the nutritional components needed for intestinal health. Our gut biomes took a hit, and continue to.

What happens when the gut biome isn’t fed properly? The good bacteria are replaced by bad. This can lead to everything from digestive pain, discomfort, and related problems, which you’d expect, to less expected problems, including skin conditions, acne, and even compromised immunity.

The Power of MB40 Bacillus Subtilis is Digest

One thing to know about probiotics: in order for them to work, they need to reach the locations that need them most. In digestive health, probiotics need to get deep into the digestive tract. But the stomach is a notoriously hostile place (think of everything it’s doing in there and what it takes to break down something like a pork chop) where most probiotics can’t survive for more than one or two hours. The digestive tract is an acidic environment, which can signify the demise of most probiotic strains. If yours isn’t acid-resistant, that probiotic may never reach its destination.

Probiotics often list their primary selling point as the number of CFUs, or “Colony Forming Units” they contain. The thinking is that the higher the number – in the millions or billions – the better. But for the 92% of probiotics that can’t survive the digestive tract long enough to reach the large intestine, that selling point literally equates to flushing money down the toilet.

However, the probiotic strain MB40 Bacillus Subtilis works differently. MB40 is a shelf-stable probiotic scientifically tested and proven to survive with 70% effectiveness up to 12 hours in the digestive tract. Since MB40 actually thrives in the low-pH of the human digestive system, it also has the ability to pass through the stomach and reach its ultimate destination in the large intestine and really get to work.

The extended survivability is why we exclusively use MB40 in Digest, which also includes a proprietary mix of prebiotics for added comfort and relief. This ensures just two tablets a day, whether taken as capsules or mixed into cold liquid to create a probiotic drink, provide digestive support through every meal and every snack — even the grab-and-go kind. And when gut health is improved every day and all day, this can lead to even longer-term improvements in microbiome health and full-body wellness. 

What’s In Digest? A Multi-Enzyme Formula for Optimal Digestion

One of the problems with the aforementioned grab-and-go lifestyle is that it can make it difficult to avoid ingesting artificial ingredients. Supplements are no exception. Look at any ingredient panel and you may find artificial colors and flavors, and other additives, including sugar alcohols, that are common triggers for digestive discomfort. 

We intentionally steer clear of these types of ingredients in Digest. Because it’s our belief that a supplement focused on soothing digestion and reactivating the body's ability to heal itself simply shouldn’t contain anything artificial or cause the same problems itself. 

Digest incorporates OPTI-BIOME® Bacillus Subtilis MB40 with LactoWise® Bacillus Coagulans MTCC 5856 in doses up to 10 Billion CFU/day. Why that number? Research by Bio-Cat Microbials determined OPTI-BIOME® Bacillus subtilis MB40 in doses ranging up to 10 billion CFU/day may reduce the frequency and duration of bloating and gas. Additionally, LactoWise® Bacillus Coagulans MTCC 5856 probiotic was found effective at supporting overall health and wellness and had the ability to survive and maintain efficacy in the digestive tract longer than other forms of probiotics. These probiotics are paired with the herbs turmeric and slippery elm, fiber, aloe, and prebiotics, including inulin, which help reduce inflammation and further ease digestion. 

Additionally, we’ve ensured Digest is easy to take for everyone, so even kids can benefit from this highly effective probiotic (just be sure to check with a medical professional on serving size). Digest capsules can be opened and mixed into a cold liquid like a smoothie, water, juice or chocolate or strawberry milk, to make a probiotic drink.

Why Digest probiotic is the best choice for men and for women

There are a lot of good reasons to take high-quality probiotics daily as a man. They’re (mostly) identical to the reasons women benefit from taking a daily high-quality probiotics. So before you jump on a marketing claim that charges a premium for a “male probiotic” or “probiotics for women”, just know that probiotics are not gender-specific. But that as long as they can reach their intended target in the large intestine, which MB40 does, your probiotics could impact everything from weight control and energy to IBD and acne. And all in a very positive way.

  • Healthy Weight: Probiotics have been shown to influence metabolic process and energy expenditure, both of which may assist with the body's ability to burn calories and maintain a healthy body composition. 
  • Inflammation:Conditions including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's and ulcerative colitis are linked to inflammation. Probiotics have been documented to help alleviate inflammation and may help reduce symptoms of conditions like these.
  • Acne and skin health: By modulating the body’s inflammatory response, probiotics may help manage certain skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and eczema. 
  • Wounds: Studies have linked some probiotic strains to improved wound healing as a result of the growth of beneficial bacteria, which reduces the risk of infection.
  • Immune system:Recent research published by the National Institute of Health identified B.subtilis MB40 for its potential to help improve the body’s ability to fight infection, specifically from S.aureus (staph). It is the ONLY probiotic found to have this impact.
  • Urinary tract health:Promotes healthy bacteria in the urinary tract. TheNational Institute of Health notes that “the use of probiotics has been considered for the prevention of UTIs.” 
  • Cognitive function:Harvard Medical Schools Harvard Health Publishing notes thatThe gut has been called a "second brain" because it produces many of the same neurotransmitters as the brain does, like serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid, all of which play a key role in regulating mood.”

Understanding and Reducing Side Effects of Probiotics

MB40, along with most probiotics that don’t include artificial additives, are largely side-effect free. Remember, your body was initially introduced to probiotics through fermented foods, including yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, kombucha, and even sourdough breads. Probiotic supplements, like Digest, are just isolated and concentrated.

That being said, with any supplement, there is always the possibility of a reaction - albeit rare.

Additionally, taking more than the recommended dosage may lead to temporary increases in bloating, inflammation, stomach gas, diarrhea or constipation, headaches, and possible other impacts.

The best way to avoid potential side effects is to first check with your doctor for custom dosage recommendations that fit you. Also, review the recommended daily dosage listed on the packaging for adults (two capsules) and ensure you don’t exceed it.

And know that even powerful probiotic blends, including MB40, are generally considered safe for children - but once again, check with a medical professional on specific dosage recommendations.

MB40: Encourage Good Bacteria for a Happy Gut Biome

One more thing: if all of this talk of a gut biome and “harboring bacteria” concerns you, know that it shouldn’t. Your digestive tract is a great home for good bacteria. But sometimes, even wonderful homes could benefit from a little sprucing up. And when it comes to the gut, powerful probiotics like MB40 are the best way to ensure the good bacteria moves in, has room to flourish and be healthy, comfortable, and happy.
